I do? I did!

It was the second time we were on holiday in Hawaii that Steve proposed to me. Well, at least I think he proposed to me. What he actually said was, on a balmy evening, after too much white wine as we sat looking at the ocean, was "Eee lass, this is grand eh?" (You have to imagine a North of England accent here folks) "If I was going to get married anywhere, it would have to be here". I looked at him, he looked at me, and I knew by the way he'd become all misty eyed that either he was overcome by emotion or his contact lens had fallen out. And that's how, 2 years later, on December 7th, 1995 we were married in the grounds of the Hyatt Regency in Maui. He never did find that contact lens.

We couldn't travel half way around the world to be married on a Hawaiian island and not take our parents. Well, yes, ok, we could have, but they would never have let us forget that we chose not to invite them, so we figured we would take them along. So, the 6 of us flew from England, each couple arriving in Maui on different days, after spending some time on different islands and the US mainland first.

6 days before the wedding we arrived in Maui to 85 degrees and blue skies. Each day was spent much the same way, breakfast poolside and then snorkelling in the mornings at mile marker 14. This was the first time my dad had been seen wearing swimming shorts for over 20 years and as he is just oh so slightly overweight, it was no surprise when Greenpeace circled him twice and started a campaign to save him. After snorkelling, we usually had a picnic lunch on the beach and then did some sight seeing on the afternoons. As we'd done most of the tourist stuff before, we sent the parents off to do the things we'd already done (the volcano, tropical plantation, upcountry, sugar cane train, drive to Hana etc.) and then the two of us would spend our afternoons swimming and reading in the shade of a friendly tree.

And so the week went by, 85 degrees, blue skies, as I said before. That is of course, until the day of the wedding when we were awoken at 4am by torrential rain. At 10am it finally stopped raining, and the water that had flooded the hotel car park had disappeared, soaked into the scorched earth. When the rain had finished, Maui was even more greener, more beautiful and crystal clear than it had been before, as if it had been cleansed especially for our wedding day. On the morning of the wedding it was snorkelling as usual and then the preparations began in earnest with my first stop at the hairdresser. While Steve lay in a hammock on the ocean side reading his book, I was having my hair pulled, teased and decorated with flowers. Then, off to the beauty salon where..... god knows, they tried, they really tried! 30 minutes later we were washed, dressed and raring to go.

Our parents and other relations from California were waiting at the hotel reception and as we walked down the stairs together to get into our taxi, the video camera started whirring and the cameras were clicking, I felt just like a movie star - who said Lassie? But this was no ordinary taxi we were taking - it was the 1929 Ford Classy Cab that made the most fantastic "pheeeeeeeep..... whooooooop" noise as we drove off. At least I think that was the car, Steve did have a nervous stomach at the time.

And so, finally to the Hyatt where the Rev. Grimes married us with a beautiful service, after which we ate cake and drank toasts of champagne to family members back in England who couldn't be with us in Hawaii. After a couple more rolls of camera film, our party of 8 went on to the "Rusty Harpoon" restaurant for a fantastic meal, it really was excellent food and brilliant service, where speeches were made and I read out a poem to Steve and more wine and champagne was consumed than is good for a person to consume in one evening. Ah, but we're not finished yet. We all then got into taxis and went back to "Lahaina Coolers" bar, were we had been such good customers during the week (hello Kevin and Maggie! - how are the t-shirts?) they gave us a free bottle of champagne; more drinking, more photographs, and then finally, finally back to the hotel, exhausted and happy. It was a great day, I can't say enough good things about the staff at the Hyatt, the Rusty Harpoon and of course, Lahaina Coolers - bar give them all a pay rise, they all worked very hard for us and made our day, a very special one indeed.

Glenda Young is also the authoress of the weekly Coronation Street Update on the net, and can be contacted at:


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Glenda Young is also the authoress of the weekly Coronation Street Update on the net, and can be contacted at:


Previous experiences of a thirty-something...

Other Columnists

Back to the London Mall
Opinions contained herein are purely those of the author, and should be considered seperate to those of Micro Media Services Ltd